Colheita Port er det samme som tawny med årgangsbetegnelse. Vinen fadlagrer fra høståret og tappes først på flaske umiddelbart inden den sendes på markedet. Dalva Colheita 1995 har derfor 27 års fadlagring på bagen. De mange år på fad har afrundet vinen, der nu fremstår i perfekt balance mellem kraftfuldhed og elegance. Smagen byder på nuancer af mørk tørret frugt, blommer og hasselnødder. Samtidig er den ikke ældre end at sødmen er holdt flot i skak af et godt "bid".
93 points Robert Parker
The 1995 Colheita Tawny Port Dalva is a bar-top bottling from April 2019, principally a blend of Touriga Nacional, Touriga Franca and Tinta Roriz (and others). It has 133 grams per liter of residual sugar. This has been seen before but not for several years, and this is a new bottling. This is a big step up on the 2004, showing the concentration anticipated, a much longer finish and far more complexity. Nuanced, fresh and intriguing, this then adds the concentration and power to seal the deal. It is well balanced, but perhaps its best feature is the seductive texture, with an unctuous, concentrated texture of cream. It feels rich.
94 points Wine Enthusiast
From harvest until bottling in 2018, this Port was wood aged in Vila Nova de Gaïa cellars, across the Douro river from Porto. The wine has plenty of wonderful old wood flavors. They combine with intense acidity, prunes and a fine bite of spirit. Like all Colheitas, the wine is ready to drink.
Tappet i 2022.